Sunday, March 28, 2010

wah blog dah mula ber-update...!!!

Trivia :

1) 32,672 tahun dah aku tak update blog

2) 2361 assignments dan presentation aku kene siapkan sepanjang aku tak update blog

3) 556,876 kilojoule kalori terbazir dalam aku kehulu hilir menyiapkan kerja2 duniawi tersebut

4) 3 weeks to go before i graduate!!!

5) Tapi graduation day lama lagi la......bulan 7...means ada la dalam 120 hari lagi

5 trivia for today.......cukuplah tu.......lagipon merapik je sumer2 tu.....ala2 lagha gituw....

setelah penat bersihkan sawang kat nih, aku berehat kejap sambil minum teh dan biskut tiger yang ada gula tuh....

sesambil tuh dengar lagu......

dan sesambil tuh jugak aku berangan2 kan.......

well well well.........diam tak diam, dah 4 bulan aku stand alone...since the beginning of 2010

new year, new life......tahun rimau nih dah tanak pening2 kapla dah...biarlah dia pergi dibawa angin....~ ~ ~ ( effect bunyik angin).....

bak kata my sis, " for every heartbreak, there's hope for something new"

cuma bezanya, aku tak berapa nak heartbreak sangat.....coz this is my decision to do that...sbb aku dah tak larat fact, im running away.....coz i got to go

and dalam 4 bulan tuh, wooooooo..... so many good things happened ma.......

i just can't believe that being a single is like eating a piece of banana's crispy outside, but sweet and merembes inside... just a 21, currently with 62 kg of body mass......( tetiber )

apa2 pon......i have my own life, dan dia pon ada life sendiri kan........

neway, last saturday aku menyertai festival zapin interkolej for the last time as a dancer....hopefully

being the first group to perform really made my bulu stands at its end.....feel like i got so many butterflies in my stomach

time ni 5 minit sebelom perform.....siyes aku cakap......perot aku kecot.....kaki aku menggeletar

belakang pentas yg mengerikan......dah tarik nafas pepanjang pown cuak gak.....

tapi bergambo nyer pasal.......tak kesahlah...

abis perform jer peloh jantan melimpah ruah keluar dari segala liang2 roma.....

and suddenly.....

aku ternampak kelibat dia among the crowds.....

i tried my best to just walk without looking.....

and suddenly i feel so guilty........deep......

and i was like, "tergamak la pulak aku buat dia mcm ni"....

but i have no choice.......i got to follow my heart now.......

therefore, i'm billionly sorry my dear..........

i hope u gonna be ok......and im really sure of that.....coz im not irreplacable, am i?

"im sorry for running away like this, and im sorry i've already made my wish", Britney Spears, 2002 ( boley??)

ya udah......dah dah dah........takyah piki2....bukan penting pown.....yang penting kita happy

happy with my frens......happy wit myself...coz im free to do almost anything i loikkke!!!!

neway, i miss u guys!!! miss a lot

this weekend i takpat trun sana.......sbb nak taknak i kene join my group for zapin interkolej tuh....

and this is gonna be my last sacrifice before i melangkah keluar from kolej tuh....

i sacrifice tak pat jumpa u guys for like thousands of years ( exaggerate)......sacrifice takpat g Fac Nyte pon ye gak....

pastu the following days i have to attend meeting ape kejadah for the last tyme with college administration.... week is my peralihan kuasa in which i dah dok tunggu lama dah....

sbb pasni i dah free dari segala macam serabut di kepala........

pastu baru la i bleh ulang alik serdang-s.alam ikot ske ati .......hahak3......

okies dah kol 7 pagi kowt ( time i menaip ni la).......mamat2 PALAPES dah dok terpekik kat padang kawad nun.......awal kowt korunk training.....loh!! macam eden kat PLKN dulu kowt.......kol 6.45 daily.....wajib berkawad.....ko larat??

till then......seeya!!!

1 comment:

  1. huahua.
    sedih lah aku lepas ni.
    Ko dah abes study. Aku nak roomate ngan siapa ek? Along boleh tak?
