Saturday, July 24, 2010


Seriously aku sangat sakit ati.....


tolong bagi aku ruang nak maki hamun carut segala kejap kat sini...

dear "soon-to-be-founded" dogs,

please don't come near me..

and play with my heart..

you are a loser with such stupid game..

coz u aint get anything

and yet, stupidity is an award i should give you


kau bodoh...

dan yang paling penting ye.....

kau pelik.....

semoga kau happy dengan idop bangang kau....

well at least im living my life at ease for sure......

no mask to wear, and nothing to be covered up

i guess you are not more that just a junk.....

thank you...

::pasni aku dah malas nak feeling2... ::

if u want me u gotta be quick.....tak kuasa aku nak terhegeh2....

( yang penting ko memang pelik ye...serius.... ......agak ko memang terencat akal agaknyer kot)


Ye itulah tadi ye sesi luahan hati secara pantas dan padat dari Ferdi ....

NEWAY, bebaru nih aku meng-attend launching party butik Celio kat Pavi ...

( *tak saba nak masuk keje)

ada mini fashion show..

model dia....??


Epul ko ingat tak Ikhwan.......dalam Glam tu la!!

maigot!! ikhwan dpn mata ye.....aku terkesima ye

but just dapat tengok cmtu jela...... :(((

dapat la aku tali pinggang percuma....door gift ala2...

RM 268 ye rege belt tuh......tak kuasa aku nak beli kalau tak....

by the way, malas plak aku nak upload pic kat party tuh here.....

sbb berlambak dah kowt aku kene tagged kat facebook nun.....sama je infection dia kalo upload kat sni

NEWAY, aku sangat suke lagu "Little Dreamer" plak....

tatkala aku menyukai sesebuah lagu, pastinya aku akan melihat serta menghayati liriknya..
( ko mampo ayat??)

but ever since aku tau yang Xtina nih join Illuminati gak.....i gotta take caution

sbb kekadang lirik dia cakap pasal setan/ dark entity/ or yang sewaktu dengannya..

tapi for this time, i take the lyric in a positive way

lirik dia best...

nah aku copypaste...( akulah peng-copy paste lagu yang berjaya sejak 3 entry lepas)


Look at the stars, I will take one down for you
No matter what the distance, I'll see it through
I'll fill you in between the sun and moon
'Til the end I'll be waiting

And whenever in night, the lights go down
I know that you'll go on to shine somehow
And even if you're miles above the clouds
'Til the end, I'll be waiting

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray we'll meet inside my dreams

So long, my little dreamer, I will miss your face
We'll always stay connected through time and space
The journey that we shared but now have to leave
Will live inside of us for eternity, yeah

Look through the dark, there's a compass in the sky
If ever you are lonely and question why
Remember that I'm always by your side
'Til the end, I'll be waiting

And even though we sleep light years apart
A galaxy away is not so far
Because we know the future is our star
'Til the end I'll be waiting

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray we'll meet inside my dreams
If I should go before I wake
I pray our souls will join again

Destiny will be a part of you, babe
I'll feel you in the atmosphere
And nothing will be left to fear


alang2 korunk tgh baca blog ni kan.....sah2 la korunk tgh online kan??

ha dengar jela lagu dia ni ha

lagu dia sangat menyenangkan hati yang remuk ye......

steady ahhh X-X-X-T-T-T-I-I-I-N-N-N-N-A !!!!!

p/s: pasni sapa phunk with my heart ever again......siyesly aku lempang je tros....!! kalau nak, cakap nak......jangan nak main2 ngan aku ye...babi kau!! ko ingat ko hot?? ko busuk ok.......

p/s 2 : arini ko buat org cenggini, now i curse u....sampai ke tua la ko sangap ye!! *double wink

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